生活離不開眼鏡的吉勒摩・戴托羅近期出席影展以及接受採訪時配戴的都是Saint Laurent SL91複合材質鏡框,這款光學眼鏡具備能夠有效遮掩厚重鏡片的粗邊外框與格外輕盈的金屬鏡架,符合特殊度數的配戴需求,簡約洗鍊的造型更讓人過目不忘。
Being recognized as the maestro of dark fantasy, Mexican director/virtuoso monster maker Guillermo del Toro always creates stories so imaginative and enchanting to depict the journey of self-discovery, for both of the characters and the audiences.
Guillermo del Toro was spotted wearing Saint Laurent SL91 optical glasses attending film festivals and being interviewed, this subtle yet sleek pair suits him perfectly.