洛杉磯樂手 Ryan Porter 是近年備受矚目的當代爵士新血,曾與 Kamasi Washington, Herbie Hancock, Kendrick Lamar, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds..等指標性音樂人密切合作。以長號為媒介,遊走於靈魂爵士、放克、與嘻哈等樂風之間,Ryan Porter 藉由創作描繪生命中光輝明亮的時刻,他的樂句奔放而和煦,就像暖暖冬陽帶來好心情。
Ryan Porter 配戴 Native Sons Eyewear “Dakota” 太陽眼鏡,焦糖咖啡色漸層板材密度高而紮實、色澤溫潤,造型獨特的倒梯型輪廓具有讓人難以忽略的強烈存在感。
Kamasi Washington, Herbie Hancock, Kendrick Lamar, Nick Cave and the bad seed.. these are the big names that trombone player Ryan Porter has contributed during these years. LA-based Ryan Porter is one of the most sought after jazz performer whose music is centered around soul-jazz with rhythms inspired by hip-hop and funk. His opus seeks to bring out the brightness in life, it’s pleasant and sultry, it makes you feel better about your day.
Ryan Porter wears “Dakota” by Native Sons Eyewear in coffee caramel, the shape is a more refined take on inverted trapezoid silhouette.