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聖羅蘭博物館 10/3 正式對外開放參觀

“聖羅蘭讓女性充滿力量。當女人感到無助徬徨,聖羅蘭能賦予她們安全感。” - Pierre Bergé

位於巴黎瑪索大道5號的這幢宅邸,是聖羅蘭先生於1974至2002年間的工作室,也是以聖羅蘭先生與伴侶Pierre Bergé為名的基金會所在之處。在Pierre Bergé離世一個月後,這裡成為聖羅蘭博物館,並於10月3日正式對外開放參觀,觀展者能親眼目睹過往名流薈萃的訂製沙龍,以及聖羅蘭先生的工作空間,展出多達五千多件服裝,一萬五千件飾品,以及七萬多項手稿及其他相關文件資產。

初秋的巴黎已有些涼意,我們追尋著聖羅蘭先生以及Pierre Bergé的人生軌跡,心裡滿溢著溫暖與感動。若往後的一年間有機會來到巴黎,請務必走訪聖羅蘭博物館,見證這兩位傳奇人物為當代時裝帶來的開創性價值。

“Saint Laurent gave power to women. When a woman was insecure, Saint Laurent garments gave them security.” – Pierre Bergé

A retrospective showcasing Yves Saint Laurent’s work for over 30 years, Fondation Pierre Bergé- Musee Yves Saint Laurent is the beating heart of the legendary French Couturier, that displays the day-to-day life of the house and all the creative process behind the scenes by presenting over 5,000 clothing pieces, 15,000 accessories and 70,000 of drawings, collection boards and other documents.

Dazzling and exceptional, intimate and moving, a month after the death of Pierre Bergé, Saint Laurent’s lifetime partner and business manager, we were so lucky to be here and witness the lives of these two great men with immeasurable talent who created the genesis of modern fashion.

Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris 5 Avenue Marceau, 75116 Paris Opening from October 3, 2017 to September 9, 2018.


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