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製帽設計師 Thom O' Brien 與 Native Sons 最新視覺

澳洲籍設計師Thom O'Brien深諳製帽技法,憑藉近乎失傳的傳統工藝,無論是親自手繪植物染羊毛,使用縫紉機與老工具,或是透過耗時費力的上蠟步驟讓作品呈現出耐人尋味的舊化魅力,就連靈魂藍調天后Erykah Badu、嘻哈與當代爵士樂界指標天才貝斯手Thundercat,以及引領東京潮流發展數十年的攝影師/造型師熊谷隆志都是愛好者。

Thom O’Brien與Native Sons Eyewear合作最新視覺形象,由攝影師Gui Martinez捕捉Thom O'Brien隱身於澀谷工作室裡的生活日常。

There are less than three hundreds hat makers left on earth, Thom O’Brien is one of them.

Keeping lost art and craftsmanship alive, Thom O’Brien makes bespoke hats by using traditional methods and materials, from plant-dyed and painted felt, sewing machines, old hand tools, and heavy waxed rust finish. His brand Bona Capello are favored by Neo-soul queen Erykah Badu, acrobatic bassist Thundercat and Japan’s fashion renaissance man Takashi Kumagai.


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