丹麥當代藝術家/思想家 Olafur Elliason 在接受經濟學人1843雜誌專訪時,提及他最鍾愛的 MYKITA LESSRIM 系列 “Eito” 鏡框,以及眼鏡在他生活中所扮演的角色。
[ 那副教我如何觀看的眼鏡 ]
[ The glasses that taught me to see ]
- by Studio Olafur Eliasson
Featured on The Economist 1843 magazine
I have several pairs of glasses but I particularly like this pair, made by MYKITA, a company in Berlin. The design is very straightforward and detail oriented, and I like that they manufacture and design all their glasses in-house in an old industrial building in Kreuzberg.
I’ve worn glasses since I was a child, when my football coach realized there was something wrong with my vision and suggested I get my eyes checked. He was right – I was extremely far-sighted – although my vision wasn’t the only problem, and I got kicked off the team after three months.
Wearing glasses made me aware of how subjective our perception of the world is. When you are dependent on spectacles, it becomes obvious to you that you see the world differently from others. I also think that it fed my fascination with lenses and other optical instruments.