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Animals As Leaders 吉他手 Tosin Abasi 配戴 MYKITA ''Kjell''

曾兩度來台演出的吉他手 Tosin Abasi , 憑藉其對於特殊節拍與和聲的創作能力,鑽研一般樂手難以彈奏的八弦吉他,同時掌握高低音域的旋律以及各式繁複的切分節拍。如此獨樹一格的風格與精湛技巧,不僅受到當代樂壇高度矚目,更讓吉他這項樂器的音域表現有了更為寬廣與多變的可能性。

Tosin Abasi 時常配戴 MYKITA “Kjell” 光學眼鏡,這副擁有極簡線條的飛行員鏡框不僅造型洗鍊,極致輕盈無重量感的特性兼顧了實用性,即便在舞台上賣力演出的樂手也能輕鬆駕馭。

🎸觀看 Tosin Abasi 先前於 Guitar Center的專訪:

🎧聆聽 Tosin Abasi 所屬樂團 Animals As Leaders 的代表作 ”Cafo” :

As one of the world's most applauded guitarists, Tosin Abasi not only masters a wide range of musical styles, but somewhat changes guitar playing itself.

Technical, tuneful and innovative, Tosin Abasi’s composition with expanded 8 strings guitar is aiming for a deeper and wider exploration into new realm. The additional range gives him the ability to play basslines alongside his lead guitar, which defies convention and truly becomes limitless.

Tosin Abasi was spotted wearing a pair of MYKITA “KJELL” optical glasses on stage. This minimal pair in aviator shape is classic yet refined, while being incredibly light and comfortable to wear.



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