Web LEON 是日本廣富盛名的男性風尚雜誌,有別於其他時尚刊物聚焦於潮流動態,Leon崇尚成熟洗鍊的義式紳裝與生活風格。本期Leon雜誌專訪眼鏡設計師/視光醫師Blake Kuwahara,這款“Cody” 光學眼鏡以其別樹一幟的”框中框”結構及漸層板料細節帶出截然不同的層次感,絕對是瞬效強化個人特質的必備單品。
Blake Kuwahara “Cody” in ink features in the February issue of Leon, a renown Japanese magazine provide coverage of latest Italian trends and sophisticated lifestyle. This subtle and sleek pair is elevated by the designer’s iconic frame-in-frame design, and accented by its semi transparent acetate details.