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Bobby Sings Standard 品牌靈魂人物 “森山秀人”

森山秀人是Bobby Sings Standard,品牌背後的靈魂人物,有別於日本手工鏡框給人嚴謹而保守的既定印象,醉心於爵士樂與古著的森山秀人對於“眼鏡”這項物件的詮釋有著截然不同的見解。

你可能在日本潮流指標媒體Mastered上的穿搭專欄、抑或是街拍網站發現他的蹤影,並深深著迷於他爐火純青的穿搭功力,例如將古董豹紋Moschino襯衫出人意表地混搭綠色西裝與紅色棒球帽,又或是巧妙地讓UMIT BENAN燈芯絨上衣塞進同系列長褲,不仔細看還以為是件剪裁極佳的連身褲裝。無論再鮮豔的顏色,再違和的圖案,森山秀人都能在其中找到一種微妙的平衡感。當然,他設計的鏡框也有著如出一徹的特質。


He brings colors, he brings pattern, and he brings the inspiration to mix and match the contrast or the juxtaposition, he is Hideto Moriyama, the mastermind behind Bobby Sings Standard,.

You may spot his #OOTD on or the Streetper, and witness a unique style where refinement and personality seamlessly intertwine. Let’s say, making those vintage Moschino leopard print shirt, green blazer and red cap such a great combo, or pairing the extra sharp Umit Benan corduroy shirt with the matching trousers, his taste echoes the eyewear he makes, it’s a little above and beyond, but there’s always that magical balance so effortless that we are longing to strike.



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