眼鏡在現今流行穿搭中已經是不可或缺的重要單品,多樣的鏡框設計也讓它從以往塑造個人風格的配角躍升為形象焦點。但是要為眼鏡找到合適的配件,依舊受限於市面上有限的選擇,不易找到質感與其相稱的單品。DIFFUSER Tokyo以簡約經典的獨到品味,將優選物料融合美感與機能,堅持全系列在日本手工製造,於合理的價格下讓眼鏡配件依然能傳遞出其中優異的手感與品質,並持續讓品牌不斷地提出嶄新的價值與概念。
DIFFUSER Tokyo專注於各式眼鏡配件設計,最初先推出皮製眼鏡掛鍊,讓掛鍊的質感不再是只受限於運動或閱讀時不得不使用的配件,除了便於隨身攜帶眼鏡減少遍尋不著的困擾外,內斂美觀的外型更讓使用者可以輕鬆寫意地視為穿搭風格的一環。而後針對收納的需求,亦以皮料打造各式眼鏡盒,讓居家與外出時的完整收納更添質感。
In pursuits of making fashion eyewear accessory, DIFFUSER Tokyo challenges the whole industry with its innovative design, high quality and affordable price.
As a pioneering eyewear accessory brand, DIFFUSER Tokyo keeps making functional items mixing with a sense of timeless classic design. All the products are made in Japan from exceptional quality materials.
Inspired by the craftsmanship and attention to detail, DIFFUSER Tokyo not only releases series of wearable items such as glass cords/glass holders, but also launches a collection of products aim for storage.
One of DIFFUSER Tokyo's best-selling items is the glass holder. You may hang your pair of glasses on its hook without risking of leaving it somewhere and not remembering. As with its artistic minimal design, it can also be used as a decoration of your total look.
All of DIFFUSER Tokyo's items are made of Bridle leather, Horween leather, Italian leather or Japanese Tochigi leather through the most intricate vegetable tanning process. Playing with warm and rich colors, it takes an elegant touch and fits easily in everyday life with its simple style.