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JEpoque Entrepôt A13 Reopening

我們在 遠東百貨 遠百信義 A13JEpoque Entrepôt 門市已遷移至同樓層更大的空間。新店面能夠展示更齊全完善的眼鏡選品、丹麥家飾 Motarasu,以及 KIMU design studio | 柒木設計 的系列作品,並提供預約制視光諮詢驗配服務。


We’re pleased to announce that our JEpoque Entrepôt store in FEDS Xinyi A13 has moved to a larger space on the same floor. The new store will be able to showcase a more comprehensive product assortment, including a wider selection of eyewear brands, Danish home decors from MOTARASU and designs from KIMU. Vision care consultation will also be offered (by appointment only).

We know the unwavering loyalty of customers like you has fueled our sustained growth, and we thank you for the continued support!



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