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Julius Tart Optical x HYKE 限量聯名款 “FDR” 光學眼鏡

有在關注日本潮流趨勢脈動的受眾一定對 HYKE 這個品牌不陌生,巧妙結合高級時裝的摩登剪裁與戶外運動取向的科技面料,兼具機能與時尚感的定位讓 HYKE 擁有一票忠實的粉絲,與 Adidas, The North Face 的跨界聯名系列也屢屢創造搶購熱潮。

Julius Tart Optical 與 HYKE 在本季推出限量聯名款 “FDR” 光學眼鏡,“FDR” 經典簡練卻又具有記憶點的框型深受 HYKE 主理人吉原秀明所青睞,在過去專訪中也曾表示自己曾在市面上到尋覓各式VINTAGE FDR 框型的眼鏡,但總覺得和想像中的不同,直到後來發現由Tart家族唯一繼承人 Richard Tart 所成立的 Julius Tart Optical才得以找到符合心中期待值的FDR鏡框。

這次 HYKE 與 Julius Tart Optical 聯名的FDR光學眼鏡運用透明色版料與銀色五金細節製成,整體呈現乾淨俐落的視覺效果。


Sleek yet minimal, and filled with references to outdoor workwear and military uniforms, HYKE is known for its functional fabrics, wearable design and those covet worthy items in collaboration with Adidas and The north face.

Julius Tart Optical x HYKE presents these “FDR” Optical Glasses, a specific model that is worn and adored by Hideaki Yoshihara, the founder of HYKE. This versatile pair is made from crystal clear acetate with silver metal hardware that exudes a refined taste and retro allure.

Available in limited quantities


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