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MASA 配戴 MYKITA Berge 鏡框

擁有超過三十年工作經驗的飲食專家山下勝 (MASA),曾在日本、加拿大、台灣等地擔任主廚,現則活躍於自媒體平台 “MASAの料理ABC”,同時也擔任廚藝講師、作家、與節目主持人。

從全家人都能享用的主菜,到個人份量的便當;療癒日式料理至傳統台灣小吃, MASA 在其超越九十萬人訂閱的 Youtube 頻道裡,每週固定發表獨具特色、即便是新手也能體會烹飪趣味的簡易食譜。他認為料理這件事本應是一種能夠自己創造的娛樂方式,無需精心規劃一場盛宴才能得到樂在其中的體驗。只要回歸初心,就能從容愉悅地找回下廚的樂趣。

非常感謝 MASA 選擇了 MYKITA LITE 系列 “Berge” 鏡框,更因應日常生活中的不同工作距離搭配蔡司智銳 Plus 多焦點鏡片。這款雙鏡橋設計矩形鏡框線條流暢,海軍藍配色沈穩優雅,與他簡約自然的個人風格非常相稱 😄

With more than 30 years of experience working as a culinary expert in Japan, Canada and Taiwan, Chef Masaru Yamashita (MASA) is known for his approachable recipes and bright, breezy personality.

Providing easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for the everyday home cook or the novices, the videos on his cooking channel “MASAの料理ABC” (With more than 9 hundred thousand subscribers) range from main courses to single-portion bentos, Japanese comfort food to traditional Taiwanese throwbacks. He believes that cooking is an entertainment you can create on your own, it’s not about whip up an elaborate feast but to enjoy the pleasurable experience.

Masa wears MYKITA LITE “Berge” optical glasses in Navy/Silver with ZEISS Smartlife Progressive lenses. The stream-lined silhouette and intriguing double bridge details suit him perfectly.



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