挑選眼鏡時,除了框型之外,適合自己的色系也很重要。想要得到換然一新的效果,卻不過分誇張,不妨嘗試MYKITA這款 “Kallio" 光學鏡框。
略微放大的倒梯形設計能凸顯眉眼之間的輪廓線條,新色 “霧海藍” 介於灰與深藍之間,在光線下呈現別具層次、富有穿透感的視覺效果。
The color of the frame we choose can always express a little bit of our personality or character traits. If you want to opt for something refreshing but not too bold, these optical glasses by MYKITA may suits you well.
Rendered in a inverted trapezoid silhouette, the “Kallio” glasses is slightly oversized that makes your features stand out, while the “Matte Deep Ocean”acetate in a grayish blue color tone upholds an understated yet refined ambience.