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MYKITA and HELMUT LANG | Functional Elegance

柏林眼鏡品牌 MYKITA不僅著眼於高端機能鏡框設計,其創意團隊更跨足時裝界,過去曾與 Maison Margiela、Bernhard Willhelm 和 Damir Doma 建立了長期聯乘關係,也和街頭潮流品牌 Ambush、 Martine Rose 推出話題性極高的熱銷單品。

2020年,MYKITA 與 HELMUT LANG 攜手合作,以 “實用主義美學” 為題,形塑跳脫既定思維的聯名款式。

HELMUT LANG 於1986年成立,其標誌極簡風格、與藝術家的密切合作以及無所畏懼的高度實驗性備受推崇。在本次聯名系列中,MYKITA 和 HELMUT LANG 共同設計了兩款眼鏡HL001和HL002,於 HELMUT LANG SS20 時裝秀上首次展出。

MYKITA 和 HELMUT LANG 首次的跨領域合作從品牌雙方的美學共感出發,利用解構、拼貼、重組為主軸,將高覆蓋度的遮罩式太陽眼鏡切割分解成四個部分,並藉由呼應HELMUT LANG 時裝系列的色彩運用,塑造對比層次感。

MYKITA and HELMUT LANG join forces for a project that translates the cool, confident design language of the cult design label into eyewear pieces with era-defying appeal. Debuting at New York Fashion Week in September 2019, MYKITA and HELMUT LANG epitomizes the conceptual yet street-savvy designs that the name HELMUT LANG is synonymous with.

Founded in 1986, HELMUT LANG reinvented the urban uniform for an emerging creative class heading into the new Millennium. The influence of this new design language composed of innovative tailoring and references from contemporary avant-garde culture can be seen nearly everywhere in the current fashion landscape.

MYKITA and HELMUT LANG are both known for design that elevates functional details to a form of decoration, a visual code of modern elegance. By observing the integrity of materials and upholding the value of craftsmanship, the brands have created contemporary design classics that redefine the aesthetics of luxury.

With a nod to HELMUT LANG eyewear history, the MYKITA and HELMUT LANG aesthetic sits outside fashion, not bound to any age or era. Referencing the precise and subtly subversive tailoring tradition at HELMUT LANG , sunglass models HL001 and HL002 use an honest construction that recalls the pattern-making process – a wraparound sunshield deconstructed into a four-lens sun frame.


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