MYKITA LITE系列 “Steen” 光學眼鏡以飛行員造型定調都會風格,稜角分明的矩形輪廓簡約而俐落,適合大多數臉型的佩戴者。
As seen on: Kerby Jean-Ramond
身為美國時裝設計師協會董事會成員,以及紐約品牌 Pyer Moss 創辦人/創意總監,Keryby Jean-Ramond 藉由其影響力,積極地為世界上所存在的各種不公義發聲,更曾在自己的時裝秀上以過往的親身經歷為題材,運用寫實影片揭露警方不當執法的暴力行為,探討種族與各種社會議題。
即便如此堅持與激進的形象與作為總是將他自己推上評論的浪頭,甚至多次面臨恐嚇威脅,Kerby Jean-Ramond 仍舊相信時裝設計與創作能成為帶來正向變革的工具。
MYKITA LITE “Steen”, a pair of aviator optical glasses encased in a squared silhouette that exudes elegance and simplicity.
As seen on Kerby Jean-Raymond, a member of Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) board of directors and the founder/creative director of Pyer Moss who becomes the epitome of "socially conscious fashion" by making the catwalk a platform for activism to highlight police brutality and racial politics to call attention to the problems he has experienced first-hand with a belief that fashion can be a vehicle for positive change.