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Native Sons Eyewear // Cornell

以放大加寬的設計重塑經典矩形輪廓,Native Sons Eyewear “Cornell” 俐落而搶眼的輪廓線條具有絕佳搭配性,正裝或休閒風格都能輕鬆駕馭。

As seen on : Bedwin & The Heartbreakers 設計總監 渡邊真矢

完美揉和高端製衣工藝與時髦街頭風格,日本時裝品牌Bedwin & The Heartbreakers 從跨地域的衣著文化出發,獨特美感風靡全球。設計總監渡邊真矢與 Native Sons Eyewear 主理人Tommy O’Gara 的好交情眾所皆知,已多次擔任 Native Sons Eyewear 形象代言人。

Available in both sunglasses and optical, Native Sons reinterprets the classic squared shape into an extra bold silhouette for a striking impression.

As seen on Masafumi Watanabe, founder of Badwin and the heartbreaker, a globally renowned quality clothing brand intertwining sophisticated craftsmanship and street-savvy designs with offbeat aesthetic.


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