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Olafur Eliasson 配戴 MYKITA “ Nukka” 光學眼鏡

[ Finding Inner Light ]


- Olafur Eliasson

丹麥當代藝術家/思想家Studio Olafur Eliasson日前與燈具品牌Louis Poulsen共同設計一款以探索幾何、機械、生物學為發想的 "OE Quasi Light”,這盞外型獨特的燈具選擇了非傳統的照明路徑,取而代之的是由外側向核心發散,再透過反射暈映出溫柔、和諧,能與外在環境融為一體的光線。

在"OE Quasi Light”的產品發表會上,Olafur Eliasson配戴 MYKITA “Nukka"光學眼鏡,這款複合材質鏡框隸屬於 “Lite Acetate” 系列,結合沈穩洗練的灰褐色板材與輕量不鏽鋼鏡腳,輕鬆兼顧造型感與佩戴舒適度。

“I want to expose and evaluate the fact that the seeing and sensing process is a system that should not be taken for granted as natural – it’s a cultivated means of reality production that, as a system, can be negotiated and changed.”

- Olafur Eliasson

Danish visionary Olafur Eliasson was spotted wearing a pair of Mykita “Nukka” optical glasses in the launch of his “OE Quasi Light”, a pendant lamp in collaboration with Louis Poulsen that brings out his longtime interest in geometry, engineering and biology, the unique spherical shape allows the light to shines in towards the core, from which the light is gently reflected back out onto the surroundings.


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