被譽為無容置疑的當代電影奇才,一手包辦劇本創作、編導、演出、剪輯、甚至是服裝設計,剛滿三十歲的加拿大電影人Xavier Dolan所創造的,是一種早已跳脫既有思考維度的影像敘事格局。
Xavier Dolan配戴MYKITA LITE 系列“Gunnar”鏡框,這款上方下圓Panto Shape造型光學眼鏡線條簡潔優雅,更能給予近乎無感的舒適配戴體驗。
"Aesthetics are nothing if there is no connection with meaning.”
Switching his roles from writer, director, actor, producer, costume designer and editor; being recognized as the enfant prodige in the realm of modern cinema, Xavier Dolan's unique approach over the depth of themes and artistic credibility throughout his filmmaking career is unquestionable.
Xavier Dolan appears with a pair of MYKITA LITE “Gunnar” in a portrait shooting, this panto-shaped optical frame in ultra clean lines and minimalistic silhouette channels a timeless elegance.
Photo by Julien Mignot