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MYKITA 2023/24年度形象視覺: EYES WIDE OPEN

EYES WIDE OPEN MYKITA 2023/24年度形象視覺 - 將設計與個人敘事巧妙融合,MYKITA 2023/24 形象視覺展現了這個來自柏林的品牌獨樹一幟的品味與獨立精神。


MYKITA 形象視覺捕捉了非傳統人物真實而深刻的樣貌,其中包括曾是世界頂尖運動員的陶瓷藝術家、古典鋼琴家和時尚採購。與其他正在崛起的年輕新星一起,他們代表了新世代的多元面向,及其正在開闢的創意道路,依照自己的方式定義成就與滿足感。

生動、飽和的影像突顯了MYKITA這個來自柏林的設計公司具有開創性的設計及優異手工品質,讓眼鏡這項物件扮演了一個自然卻又整合的角色。而本次的形象視覺旨在透過個人敘事來頌揚自我表達和主體性,同時也藉以傳達 MYKITA 崇尚自由的核心價值及其非傳統模式。

攝影師 Ben Beagent 利用底片及他極具感染力的個人風格,在柏林近郊正處於盛夏的Grosser Garten取景,塑造出本次形象視覺的動態氛圍和絢麗色彩。

The MYKITA 2023/24 campaign presents a striking blend of design and personal narratives that express the unconventional approach and free, independent spirit of the Berlin brand.

Contemporary characters moving through the elements of a changing landscape. Eyes wide open and curious to the world, each person is deeply tuned into their senses. Their sensory responses and memories spark narratives exploring questions of personal essence and evolution.

MYKITA campaign presents authentic and in-depth portraits of an unconventional cast of individuals, amongst them a world-class athlete turned ceramic artist, a classical pianist and fashion buyer. Alongside other young stars in the making, they represent a new generation of multi-hyphenates that are carving their own creative path, defining success and fulfillment on their own terms.

Vibrant, saturated imagery accentuates the pioneering design and handcrafted quality from the Berlin design house, while allowing the eyewear to play a very natural and integrated role. The campaign is designed to celebrate self-expression and individuality via personal narratives that also convey the free and independent spirit of MYKITA and its unconventional approach.

Photographer Ben Beagent relies on analogue film and his infectious personality to create the dynamic mood and brilliant colours of the campaign. The Grosser Garten, an inspiring location just outside Berlin, provides the backdrop to the campaign captured in high summer.


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