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Gucci 七彩亮粉復古大尺寸方框

發想自Gucci S/S 18秀上層次堆疊的精彩景象,這款大尺寸墨鏡結合復古方框輪廓與猶如銀河燦爛的七彩亮粉細節,時髦百搭卻不過分張揚。有時擁有一件力道十足的單品,就能拋開乏味造型、輕鬆享受穿搭樂趣。

Exuding a retro-chic attitude, these fun yet quirky sunnies from Gucci are accented by the distinctive rainbow glitter stripe details. When it comes to choosing the perfect pair of sunnies, never forget to go for those pieces that tell a story.

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