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MYKITA 2019 形象照 “Remember Love”

MYKITA 2019 形象照 “Remember Love”

Remember a place of just being. Remember passion. Remember joy. Remember beauty, thought and pleasure. Remember love.

記住那個簡單純粹的所在 記住當時的熱忱,記住擁有的快樂 記住美好,記住那些思緒與滿足感 記住那份愛


MYKITA 2019年度形象照由 MYKITA HAUS配合多年的老班底Mark Borthwick與女兒Bibi Cornejo-Borthwick操刀攝影。這是Mark Borthwick與 MYKITA第十一次合作形象照拍攝,為呼應以“愛” 為題的攝影主軸,Mark邀約了同樣在攝影界發展的女兒 Bibi Cornejo-Borthwick同行,與身旁親友一起前往加勒比海渡假島嶼,留下珍貴的影像紀錄 。

身兼導演、詩人、攝影師、與音樂人等多元身份,視野獨特的Mark Borthwick曾被業界譽為最具個人風格的時尚攝影師。十多年來,這位MYKITA HAUS的老朋友除了在鏡頭背後捕捉 MYKITA所嚮往的純粹情境與肖像,更與品牌一起經歷、成長,共度每個值得被記住的時刻。

Mark與Bibi父女運用自然光與底片相機,描繪人與環境之間稍縱即逝的瞬間,毫不刻意的影像故事洋溢著和煦美好的氛圍與親密的歸屬感。 Mark在拍攝時不時加入他獨有的、看似透過稜鏡折射的光影效果,以真摯的照片取代話語,從視覺上體現了MYKITA重視情感與關係的核心價值。

Photographed by long-time friend of the MYKITA HAUS Mark Borthwick and Bibi Cornejo-Borthwick, the MYKITA 2019 campaign is a family affair in tropical climates.

In his eleventh campaign for MYKITA, artist Mark Borthwick alongside his daughter and fellow photographer Bibi Cornejo-Borthwick transport us to a Caribbean island break with a close family clan and their friends and lovers.

After more than a decade of capturing scenes, portraits and moments that express the essence of MYKITA from behind the camera, the long-time friend of the HAUS now also appears in front of the lens alongside his close-knit crew.

Relying only on natural light and analogue camera, the photographs made by Mark and Bibi capture spontaneous moments between people and their environment, conveying a sense of harmony and belonging. Punctuated by Mark’s signature prism-like color effects, the warm, unaffected style is a visual expression of the modern, familial spirit of MYKITA.

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