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《彌足珍貴的館藏經典》 || Serge Kirchhofer ||

由奧地利藝術家Udo Proksch於1961年創立的品牌Serge Kirchhofer 幾乎可以說是七零年代的縮影,通透的色彩,誇張卻精練的線條,看似懷舊卻又包裹著未來主義的迷幻氛圍都是讓人為之著迷的原因。

眼鏡、珠寶、絲巾是Udo Proksch揮灑無窮想像力的畫布,希望將這些日常物件轉化為可以穿戴的藝術品,讓個人風格一詞不再只是空談表述,Udo Proksch獨一無二的視野並不因時間更迭而褪了色,若費點心思尋覓,還有可能在拍賣網站上找到動輒五六百美金的古董Serge Kirchhofer鏡框。

在因緣際會下得知Serge Kirchhofer的重啟計畫時,我們興奮地不可置信,品牌費盡心思,終於和維也納完整保存Udo Prokcsch近五十年創作生涯所有檔案資料的Westlicht博物館達成共識,取得包括一千多支眼鏡樣品以及六千多張手稿等珍貴館藏, 除了改良材質與比重提升舒適度之外,全新的Serge Kirchhofer系列將以此為依據,分毫不差地重現Udo Proksch的原創設計。


不想成為另一個複製樣板,只臣服於最真實的自我,Udo Proksh直率卻精闢的表述即便跨越了時間的量度,仍讓我們倍感受用,也為Serge Kirchhhofer的品牌定位提點了最貼切的註解。


Serge Kirchhofer, a new found love that we’ve been eyeing for months is finally set to launch at JEpoque.

A true embodiment of the 70's style, Serge Kirchhofer was originally designed by Udo Proksch, an undisputed creative genius in taking an everyday accessory and elevating it into wearable art. Throughout his illustrious career from the 50’s to the early 00’s, he turned his talents towards jewelry, printed silk scarfs and other accessories asides from eyewear.

Now under a new creative direction and a joint ownership with WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie Gallery in Vienna of the entire original archive of Udo Proksch, including 1000 frames along with 6000 drawings of eyewear designs, the brand is being brought back to life.

"The eyeglass as an accessory in the world of fashion, creates an air of mystery that allows a woman to escape conformity.”

Now, please drown with us into the surreal world of Serge Kirchhofer.



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