極簡俐落的方形框面運用雙色板料形塑鮮明對比,Blake Kuwahara 當季新款“HAUSSMANN” 放大加寬的輪廓以及改良後的鼻樑設計非常適合亞洲佩戴者。經由繁複耗時的工序製成獨一無二的框中框結構,完美呈現富含藝術感卻絲毫不突兀的獨特美學概念。
Rendered in a defined squared frame that fits our minimal mindset, these HAUSSMANN glasses by Blake Kuwahara are handcrafted with a laborious construction process. The juxtaposition of contrasting form and color shows the extension of the designer’s distinctive aesthetic sensibilities and the “artful yet wearable” design ethos.