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Blake Kuwahara // “Thorne” Optical Glasses

運用特殊花紋的客製化板料切割製成,每個配色都有著獨一無二的視覺呈現,Blake Kuwahara 新款“Thorne"光學眼鏡擁有獨樹一幟的菱形輪廓與框中框結構,意想不到的舒適配戴感更是加分之處。

A distinctive pair milled from one-of-a-kind, complex block acetate, Blake Kuwahara presents the “Thorne” optical glasses to showcase a captivating aesthetic. Rendered in a diamond silhouette with heavy beveling details and enhanced nose bridge, this wearable art piece will elevate your style to new heights effortlessly.

Handmade in Japan


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