Blake Kuwahara與美國百年眼鏡公司Morgenthal Frederics聯名款“Lifesaver”光學眼鏡有著讓人過目不忘的搶眼外型,懷舊粗邊圓形框面與獨特尖角中樑饒富諧趣,通透而澄澈的湖藍色板料別具層次感。
每一支Blake Kuwahara鏡框皆於日本手工製造,光是接合內外輪廓就需等待近兩個月,整支鏡框更需耗費九個月左右的時間才能完成,難以言喻的質感唯有親臨賞玩才能體會。
Tranquil and refined, Blake Kuwahara x Morgenthal Frederics “Lifesaver” in azure color acetate takes over two months alone just for lamination process, that blends two frames together and a total nine months for the frames to be finished. Incorporated an iconic round shape and an unexpected pointy bridge, this unique pair upholds a quirky appeal that makes you stand out from the crowd.