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Diffuser Tokyo 日本手工眼鏡配件品牌

專注於各式眼鏡相關配件,日本手工品牌 Diffuser Tokyo 結合了經典造型與引以為傲的日製工藝,從使用者的需求出發,推出眼鏡盒、眼鏡鍊、眼鏡掛袋、可當項鍊的眼鏡圈與收納盒等等市面上少見的單品,以出乎以料的平實價格擄獲設計迷的心。


Diffuser Tokyo的每項單品皆附贈獨立日本製紙盒包裝,讓你在送禮時更能輕鬆表達心意🤍🤎

Creating leather cases, eyewear pouch, glass cords and glass holders that upholds timeless design and exceptional craftsmanship at an affordable cost, Diffuser Tokyo, an pioneering eyewear accessory brand based in Japan, is celebrated for its discerningly curated collection that is well suited to luxury eyewear.

All of Diffuser Tokyo’s products are handcrafted in Japan and make use of premium materials with variation including Italian leather, Japanese leather/suede, Japanese silk/linen, and 18/24k plated precious metal. Each item comes with Japanese paper box packaging that serves for those who wish to use them as gifts for their special ones.


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