來自日本的 Diffuser Tokyo 以日常實用性為切入點,致力於開發各種眼鏡週邊配件。這款皮革編織細節眼鏡圈選用日本皮革與仿舊鍍銀金屬圈為材,點綴編織蠟繩細節,除了具有承掛鏡框的功能也可當做項鍊配戴,兼顧型格與機能。
Made from Japanese leather and braided waxed strings, Diffuser Tokyo’s SG1016 Glass Holder is the epitome of aesthetic and functionality. This handmade piece which serves a dual purpose can be worn as a pendant when out and about, or to hold your eyewear securely without being misplaced or left behind.