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Grey Label by Blake Kuwahara // BK1022

Grey Label by Blake Kuwahara 系列靈感來自於品牌主理人-視光博士Blake Kuwahara求學過程中研讀解剖學與生物學的經驗。新款BK1022光學眼鏡運用三色板料塑造視覺層次感,並以精密費時的珠寶鑄造技術,製成獨一無二的骨骼結構,連接框面與鏡腳。

Handmade in Japan 🇯🇵

New arrival from our favorite Grey Label by Blake Kuwahara collection. These BK1022 glasses are made from 3 layers of acetate to create a sophisticated visual effect. Drawing inspiration from anatomy and skeletal structures, Dr.Blake incorporates jewelry casting/molding techniques to make the unique joints, end pieces, and the temples of the frame.


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