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Happy Year of the Rabbit 🐰

JEpoque各門市除夕當天 (1月21日) 各店營業時間將更動如下:

JEpoque BELLAVITA Boutique ➢休館一日

JEpoque 台中大遠百門市/JEpoque Entrepôt 遠東百貨竹北門市 ➢10:30-18:00

JEpoque Entrepôt 遠百信義A13門市 ➢11:00-18:00

謝謝總是支持我們的您,這一年來的陪伴,預祝各位擁有充實且美好的農曆新年假期 🧨🍊🧧

Please be informed that the opening hours during the Lunar New Year Eve (Jan. 21st) are as follows:

JEpoque BELLAVITA Boutique: Closed

JEpoque TopCity/JEpoque Entrepôt Zhubei: 10:30-18:00

JEpoque Entrepôt A13: 11:00-18:00

May you stay inspired and hopeful throughout this new year 🧨🍊🧧

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