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Introducing: LPLR EYEWEAR

Introducing: LPLR EYEWEAR #紅色小眼鏡

上個月在米蘭眼鏡展認識了LPLR Eyewear,深深著迷於它充滿玩心和藝術性的設計概念❤️

全程在法國設計與手工製作的眼鏡品牌 LPLR Eyewear(La Petite Lunette Rouge,法文紅色小眼鏡的意思),由創辦人Hilarhi Arcade 和設計師 Alison Hemmes創立。兩人對於當代藝術與現代主義的熱情展現於鏡框的輪廓和細節上,無論是幾何線條,或是讓人一眼愛上的紅色小眼鏡鉸鏈都充滿驚喜!

創辦人Hilarhi 鍾愛的一句話是:「透過創新在未來畫上軌跡」,他鼓勵設計師 Alison 去發想找出那些從未做過的設計,拋開傳統規則束縛,勇於挑戰特殊形狀的框型,就連鏡框都是以所有的在人類文化演進的路途中,帶來深切影響的人們的變位詞來命名,也因此,你會在鏡框上看到字母打散重組的“Calder”、“Jobs”、 Starck” 或是 “Bowie”。

很開心成為LPLR Eyewear在台灣的合作夥伴,也期待可愛的紅色小眼鏡能和更多喜歡眼鏡的你/妳相遇。

LPLR Eyewear (acronym for ” La Petite Lunette Rouge “) was born out of an encounter between Alison Hemmes, designer and Hilarhi Arcade, founder of the brand. Their passion for contemporary art guided them into a quest of singularity and modernism. We are thoroughly in love with the distinctive design language and the exquisite details (How can you resist those tiny little red glasses on the hinge structure?)

All frames by LPLR are inspired by an eclectic set of visionaries around the world, so you’ll find the anagram of “Calder”, “Jobs”, Starck”, “Bowie” on the frames. (Again how cute is that?)

Exclusively Handcrafted in France 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷



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