分毫不差地重現五零年代的雋永輪廓,Julius Tart Optical ”Bryan“ 光學眼鏡以稜角分明、具有強烈視覺效果的造型感成為眼鏡迷心目中的不敗經典。非常推薦 ”Grey Crystal” 配色,清透的灰色板材能讓略粗的邊框看起來更為輕盈明亮,非常適合想要利用新眼鏡改變個人風格的你/妳。
無論是框型線條、細部尺寸、比例及五金結構,所有 Julius Tart Optical 鏡框皆依照 Tart 家族自五零年代保留至今的珍稀歷史檔案與手稿於日本手工製成,即便坊間有許多品牌刻意模仿再製,卻更加印證了設計這件事如非掌握分寸細節,終究還是失之毫釐差之千里。
Recognized as the trademark of the cool intellectuals, Julius Tart Optical’s “Bryan” has proven timeless from the style’s birth in the 1950’s.
The sharp, angular squared shape with classic key-hole bridge looks focused and refined simultaneously, and we love this Grey Crystal color the most.
Handcrafted in Japan based on the preserved documentation and original design archive.