JULIUS TART OPTICAL "AR"May 17, 2022歷經時光更迭,JULIUS TART OPTICAL從五零年代創立至今,已等同於經典造型鏡框的代名詞。尤其是最收歡迎的“AR”光學眼鏡,因具備各種尺寸與顏色,無論你的臉型與風格為何,都能找到適合自己的款式。近期日本雜誌 MEN'S NON-NO 與 2nd (セカンド) 公式ファンページ 皆選擇 “AR” 作為整體造型的重點穿搭單品,讓我們一起看看吧When it comes to classic design, JULIUS TART OPTICAL stands the test of time. Being thorough down to the last detail, this “AR” glasses will forever be our go-to pair that suits whatever in our wardrobe.Left: AR in Black Photo Credit: MEN'S NON-NO MagazineRight: AR in ChampaignPhoto Credit: 2nd Magazine
歷經時光更迭,JULIUS TART OPTICAL從五零年代創立至今,已等同於經典造型鏡框的代名詞。尤其是最收歡迎的“AR”光學眼鏡,因具備各種尺寸與顏色,無論你的臉型與風格為何,都能找到適合自己的款式。近期日本雜誌 MEN'S NON-NO 與 2nd (セカンド) 公式ファンページ 皆選擇 “AR” 作為整體造型的重點穿搭單品,讓我們一起看看吧When it comes to classic design, JULIUS TART OPTICAL stands the test of time. Being thorough down to the last detail, this “AR” glasses will forever be our go-to pair that suits whatever in our wardrobe.Left: AR in Black Photo Credit: MEN'S NON-NO MagazineRight: AR in ChampaignPhoto Credit: 2nd Magazine