著眼於精密德製工藝技術,MYKITA l LEICA ML007 光學眼鏡運用精密塗漆勾勒經典徠卡紅細節,鏡框上緣的雙鏡橋設計巧妙呼應鏡頭遮罩與側面的壓紋飾邊。別具風格卻又簡約雋永的造型感能毫不費力地為日常穿搭增添效果十足的亮點。
MYKITA l LEICA 聯名系皆於柏林 MYKITA HAUS 依循最縝密嚴謹的工序製成,每支鏡框附有獨立產品編號與證書。
These MYKITA l LEICA ML007 optical glasses upholds minimal design in theory, but with impeccable attention to details. The Leica Silver color frame is accented with lacquered Leica Red edges, while the surface finishes of the top bar mimics the grip pattern on the lenses. The striking yet timeless designs makes it the ultimate contemporary must-have in our accessories curation.
Each pair of MYKITA x Leica glasses are handcrafted at the MYKITA HAUS in Berlin with a certificate of authenticity, verifying its single-unit production with a unique serial number.