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MYKITA "LESSRIM"系列顛覆無框眼鏡的傳統思維,採用極簡卻安全的的結構承托鏡片。超細邊框恰好嵌入鏡片邊緣的槽口裡,讓鏡圈外框透出若有似無的光芒。

新款 "RAIDON” 太陽眼鏡在經典輪廓與當代工藝之間取得巧妙平衡,絕不出錯的飛行員款式運用五邊形鏡片與懸空式雙樑設計呈現完美視覺亮點。

Reinventing the rimless eyewear tradition, MYKITA “LESSRIM”collection uses a reduced construction to hold lenses. Ultra-fine rims lie flush in the groove of the lens perimeter leaving only a shimmering outline.

These “RAIDON” sunglasses strike the perfect balance between classic and modern: a finely detailed navigator with a subtle pentagonal lens shape and high double bridge.

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