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MYKITA + Maison Margiela MMESSE016

MYKITA + Maison Margiela MMESSE016 大尺寸飛行員光學眼鏡所屬之”Essential”系列將線條與結構做了最極致的簡化,卻仍保有優異舒適性。極輕不鏽鋼材質讓配戴眼鏡這件事不再成為負擔;特殊粉末塗層覆蓋整支框架,冷調金屬骨幹頓時有了柔和的觸感與視覺效果。

Made of lightweight stainless steel, MYKITA + MAISON MARGIELA MMESSE016 from the “Essential Collection" in Dark Grey is our recent fav. This modified aviator pair is reduced to the most simplified structure to convey a minimal but radical silhouette, and further distinguished by thick, tonal powder coats that seal all over the frame.

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