當代藝術大師大衛霍克尼 (David Hockney) 除了擁有大膽創新、具備時代意義的創作視野,他一身獨特而鮮明的時髦打扮也令人印象深刻。紐約雜誌 Nicotine 以大衛霍克尼的個人風格為靈感發表一組時尚攝影專題,從標誌金髮、粗框眼鏡、紳裝造型、以及豐富的配色,完美複製大衛霍克尼的身影。
所有鏡框皆為 MYKITA
Quirky glasses, dandy suits, stripes and lots of colors, Nicotine Magazine channels David Hockney's iconic sartorial expression with a series of phenomenal portrait photography and precise styling.
All eyewear by MYKITA
Photography: Martina Keenan Styling & Creative Direction: Chekalina Stefania Film: Ofentse Kwenaite Make up: Akiko Owada Hair: Kabuto Okuzawa Model: Harleth Kuusik