近期的銷售黑馬 “ALDER” 光學眼鏡隸屬於MYKITA “MYLON HYBRID" 複合材質系列,利用3D列印技術將優質聚醯胺粉末聚合成型,結合輕薄不鏽鋼鏡圈設計,能夠輕鬆經由加熱調整鏡腳鬆緊與框面高低位置。重量極輕且耐高溫、抗汗蝕等特性非常適合在乎機能與舒適度的佩戴者。
MYLON HYBRID系列全新碳鋼彈簧鉸鏈以常見於高精密程度小型機械零件的金屬射出成型技術(MIM)製成,進而大幅提升耐用度。不挑臉型的多邊形切角飛行員輪廓更兼顧了時髦造型需求。
A versatile beveled aviator frame with innovative engineering design, MYKITA MYLON HYBRID “ALDER” optical glasses are made from 3D printed high quality polyamide powder merged with stainless steel rims. It’s ultra light and thermally adaptable without memory effect.
The new carbon spring hinge with metal injection moulding(MIM) casing also enhances the durability.