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MYKITA X Bernhard Willhelm 貓眼墨鏡

尺寸略小的太陽眼鏡曾是九零年代大行其道的風格潮物(看看茱兒芭莉摩和歐森姐妹就知道),然而這樣的設計概念也在今年強勢回歸,成為好萊塢女星、時尚部落客不可或缺的配搭單品。MYKITAX Bernhard Willhelm這款貓眼墨鏡相當適合亞洲臉孔,鏡框兩側寬度正常,上下略窄,精準的比例能讓五官更顯立體感,具備和大尺寸墨鏡不分軒輊的修飾效果。

Slightly smaller sunnies reigned as the cool girl statement in the 90s(namely Drew Barrymore&The Olsen Twins). Now, the trend returns as the ultimate choice for the It Girls in these seasons, and they wear them ON REPEAT.

MYKITA X Bernhard Willhelm “Eartha” sunnies in champagne gold is the epitome of this trend, slightly smaller but in perfect proportion, it works perfectly with anything in your wardrobe from athleisure to le smoking suit.



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