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Native Sons “Asimov”

一生致力於科學推廣,運用批判性思考邏輯執筆,當代科幻大師 Isaac Asimov是多產暢銷作家、思想家,也曾在波士頓大學醫學院擔任生化講師,其紮實的學識基礎讓“科幻小說”從低俗雜誌中跳脫,成為深度探討社會學、歷史、數學與科技倫理的正統文學流派。

Native Sons Eyewear “Asimov"光學眼鏡發想自Issac Asimov的前瞻視野,顯而易見的絕佳質感歸功於純正日製工法,色澤溫醇的Takiron版料與輕盈服貼的鈦金屬鏡腳成就了舒適的配戴體驗,立體分明的框形線條單純簡約,細看別有巧思,無須表露鋒芒卻能留下深刻印象。

Handcrafted in resonance of Isaac Asimov, a significant prolific author, humanist, thinker, and educator, Native Sons “Asimov” optical glasses are inspired by Mr. Asimov prophetic vision which elevates Science Fiction genre from pulp-magazines in the popular culture, to a branch of literature that dealt with sociology, history, mathematics, and the reaction of human beings to changes in technology.

Utilizing Takiron acetates and light weight Titanium temples to showcase the brands’s unwavering Japanese craftsmanship, this subtle and polished pair perfectly embraces a suave, yet intellectual sense of style, we love it best with wardrobe vintage classics.


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