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Native Sons ''Bradbury''


“華氏451度”是認識雷・布萊伯利最快速的捷徑。在一個純屬虛構的近未來,書本是禁忌之物,智識上的反思攸關生死;最大的噩夢是核武;人們對於電視裡的畫面異常癡迷;政府和媒體沆瀣一氣。 出版於六十年前的著作是否讓你覺得熟悉?或許雷・布來伯利也是大預言家。

“Native Sons” 新款光學眼鏡 “Bradbury ” 發想自雷・布萊伯利寓意深長的世界觀,重現每個深受啟發的吉光片羽。格外細緻的做工出自日本福井縣鯖江市的製鏡工坊,別樹一幟的不規則邊框配上輕盈純鈦金屬鏡腳兼顧了造型感與舒適度。

Ray Bradbury, a writer, a poet, a dreamer, a creative individual whose works changed the way we think, and influenced generations of creators including François Truffaut, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Steven Spielberg and numerous NASA scientists, was a literature giant who blended childhood nostalgia, political criticism, futuristic technology and dark wonder into highly astounding fictions.

“Fahrenheit 451”, one of Ray Bradbury ‘s dystopian novels, was released more than 60 years ago. It described a bookless future, nuclear war, suppression, and the effects of television and media. Or, shall we say Ray was also a prophet?

Native Sons’ “Bradbury” optical glasses is part of the latest “Authors Collection”, this distinctive pair was handcrafted in Sabae, Japan with an irregular shape that echoes Ray Bradbury’s limitless imagination.


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