Native Sons Eyewear 全新系列 “CRAFTLINE” 回歸設計初心,著眼於細膩製鏡工法與毫不刻意的簡約輪廓。
選用密度高而紮實、色澤溫潤的Takiron板料為材,經長時間靜置後等候讓板材呈現美好光澤。不論是搭配率性街頭風格或正式紳裝,CRAFTLINE 系列以簡練精準的線條帶出強烈存在感,讓你能更輕鬆地遊走於各式風格之間。
Native Sons Eyewear introduces CRAFTLINE, a collection echoes the beauty of the craftsmanship with nonchalant demeanor.
Made from layers of cellulose based Takiron acetate with original shapes and carving, each piece from the CRAFTLINE collection aims for bold volumes and elevated aesthetic that will complement your casual street wear or even tailored suits courtesy of its versatility.
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