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Native Sons Eyewear // Harper 2.0

延續熱賣款鏡框Harper的設計基調,Native Sons Eyewear在本季推出Harper 2.0光學眼鏡,將原先的正圓框型進化為類似星環輪廓:中間高、兩側較平的框面線條。新配色Coffee Gradiation的黑-棕-透明漸層視覺效果更加彰顯這款鏡框的獨特魅力。

Native Sons Eyewear introduces these Harper 2.0 optical glasses this season evolution of the popular frame Harper from the previous collection. The new design features a planetary-ring-like silhouette that is high in the middle and flat on the sides. The frame's unique appeal is highlighted by the new Coffee Gradiation colourway, which has a black-brown-transparent ombre detail.


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