在每個細節體現百分百原創設計與純正日製工藝,每支 Native Sons Eyewear 鏡框都有著讓人無法忽視的獨特存在感。這款"Mckowski"太陽眼鏡造型簡練易於搭配,精準的框型輪廓能讓眉眼之間的比例與線條更為平衡。
As seen on: Native Sons Eyewear 創辦人/設計師 Tommy O'Gara
Experience Native Sons's original hand-drawn style through a signature pair of sunglasses.
Created with simple hand-crafted details, using only the best materials available, these "McKowski" will lend sauave and timeless appeal to your accessories arsenal.
As seen on Native Sons Eyewear's founder and designer- Tommy O'Gara.