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Native Sons Eyewear // Ryder 2.0

Native Sons Eyewear // Ryder 2.0

Native Sons Eyewear 過往熱銷的款式”Ryder”本季進化為2.0版本,整體尺寸放大、鏡腳加長,頭寬臉寬也能輕鬆駕馭。高品質鈦金屬輕盈又堅韌,帶給你超乎期待的配戴體驗。

Handcrafted with lightweight high-grade titanium, rendered in an oversized aviator silhouette for a wider fit, Native Sons Eyewear presents “Ryder 2.0”, a refined pair that will become your loyal companion on a sunny day out.

Size: 60/15 144

Handmade in Japan 🇯🇵


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