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Native Sons Eyewear // Shepard

藉由流線飛行員框型輪廓展現時髦而敏銳的個人風格,Native Sons Eyewear 新款光學眼鏡“Shepard”採用輕盈而堅韌的鈦金屬為材,手工於日本福井製造。大小適中的中尺寸適合各種臉型的佩戴者。


Rendered in a mid-sized aviator silhouette to showcase a sleek yet discerning sense of style, these “Shepard” optical glasses by Native Sons Eyewear are handcrafted in Fukui, Japan with lightweight yet sturdy Titanium construction. This versatile pair strikes the perfect balance between functionality and style.

Available in 16K Gold/Silver/Antique Gold/Antique Silver


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