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Sauvage Eyewear // Metropolitan


Sauvage Eyewear新款 “Metropolitan” 光學眼鏡運用猶如漆器、具光澤感的Takiron版材製成,新色“Lavender Sasa”是帶有紫調的玳瑁色,每一支鏡框皆有獨一無二的色澤與紋理 (例如圖中這支的玳瑁紋路大多集中於鏡腳),凸顯個性十足的粗版流線框型。鏡腳側邊依稀可見以日本傳統大麻葉圖騰為靈感的幾何鑽石狀刻紋,不流於形式的設計感更能體現日製工藝別具匠心的差異性。

New shape, new colorway. Sauvage Eyewear presents these “Metropolitan” optical glasses to channel a retro allure. The one-of-a-kind “Lavender Sasa” (a purplish brown tortoise ) acetate ads a sophisticated finish to the bold yet refreshing shape, highlighted with the customized Japanese Asahona (hemp-leaf) pattern engraved on the core wire.

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