為日常造型增添意料之外的亮點,"The Grey Label" by Blake Kuwahara 系列鏡框應用珠寶鑄造成型技術,將發想自解剖學的骨骼結構重現於鏡框中樑、框面與鏡腳的交界處及末端,猶如人體關節緊密銜接相連。這款 "BK1002" 光學眼鏡略為不規則的輪廓線條讓人過目不忘,亮銀色框面包覆著特殊電鍍塗層,透露優異質感。
"BK1002" optical glasses from "The Grey Label" by Blake Kuwahara are crafted in an irregular silhouette, encased in a polished silver metal frame. Incorporating jewelry casting/molding techniques to make the joints in the bridge, end pieces and temples, this pair will liven up your daily edits with a dash of edge.