MYKITA 與東倫敦前衛男裝設計師 MARTINE ROSE 聯名款“SOS”太陽眼鏡靈感來自於小朋友總愛把眼鏡上下反戴的調皮行為。這款色澤透亮的板材太陽眼鏡運用特殊的鼻樑設計讓鏡框正戴反戴都能維持相當程度的舒適感,更能演繹截然不同的風格:正著戴是時髦貓眼,顛倒戴則是帶點叛逆個性的倒三角輪廓,一切全取決於你當日的心情隨意配搭。除此之外,別出心裁的包裝 (圖片於貼文留言處) 也為 “SOS” 太陽眼鏡增添不少可看性,猶如超市貨物的庶民風格帶來出奇不意的驚喜,就連鏡片上方都黏上抗 UV 小貼紙,顛覆既定思維的呈現方式十足幽默。
Taking inspiration from children’s mischievous way of wearing glasses, MYKITA + MARTINE ROSE presents SOS – an acetate sunglass model deliberately made to be worn flipped around: Classic cat-eye or inverted triangle, either way looks perfectly offbeat, mimicking the accidental cool of kids’ style. “SOS” arrives in supermarket-inspired packaging with a ‘sticker’ inscription on the lens that seals the statement of nonchalant whimsy.