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伊勢谷友介 配戴Native Sons ''Roy''

伊勢谷友介身兼導演、藝術家、演員、模特兒等多重身份,在演藝事業的成就有目共睹,然而他也是 “REBIRTH PROJECT Co.,Ltd. -official-“ 創辦人,以“重塑環境“為核心主旨,希望能藉由永續發展為訴求,推動多項專題企劃。近期他拍攝 Barfout雜誌11月號封面時以一身輕便戶外風格服飾配搭 Native Sons “Roy" 光學眼鏡。這款運用輕盈無感的純鈦金屬以及白金電鍍塗層製成的純手工鏡框以歷久彌新的框形線條形塑知性樣貌,即便長時間配戴也能維持一致的舒適度更是讓人無法割捨的優點。

Iseya Yusuke, a renowned director/actor, and also the founder of Rebirth Project, a multi-faceted business with a philosophy that focuses on sustainable development, encouraging individuals to find their own solutions to the world’s problems, was spotted wearing Native Sons’s “Roy” optical glasses on the cover of バァフアウト! barfout magazine.

Made from ultra lightweight and durable Titanium with white gold plated finish, this timeless pair will provide ultra comfort and easily smarten your everyday style.

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