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Visionaries Series - Vol.1 Designer Kelly Lin 林宜賢


KIMU design studio/柒木設計,是一個成立於2013年的年輕團隊,從小型的文具家飾為起始點,跨足至燈具及大型訂製計畫。憑藉著深厚的文化底蘊,以融合現代與傳統、交織新舊時光的概念為主軸,KIMU design studio足跡遍佈全球,也曾獲國內外多項指標性設計獎的肯定。就讓這次接受採訪的成員Kelly Lin林宜賢,與我們分享關於靈感與生活,及包藏於其中的各項物件,所交織而成的創作歷程。

Kelly Lin, the brainchild behind KIMU, a Taiwan-based design collective which combines a mixture of eastern and western, and brings traditional objects into modern day life via poetic and dreamy solutions.

Kelly Lin

KIMU design studio | 柒木設計的品牌核心就是“新與舊”,這樣的概念串聯了每個作品,希望把那些快要被大家遺忘的過去,運用新的設計轉化為延續到未來的經典。

The core idea of Kimu Design is “New and Old”, this concept can be seen in every single design. We hope to bring back elements in the past that people seem to forget, give them a modern touch and become a classic that can be pass down to the future.


Our team is based in both Taiwan and Finland. Taiwan is where we live and grow, while Finland is where we find our inner peace and feel inspired by the beauty of nature. We’re working on finding a balance between the two, and aiming to endow a seemingly calm object many various diversity.


一路走來運氣真的很好,也獲得了許多國際獎項的肯定,從德國紅點設計大獎 Red Dot Award: Product Design, Wallpaper* magazine Design Award, 到 Maison & Objet新銳亞洲設計師大獎,老實說對於入圍或是獲獎這些事一直都看得很淡,因為心目中最盼望的事應該是在每個地區找到與我們擁有相似價值觀,能夠相互陪伴成長的合作夥伴。

We’ve been very lucky that since we started, we were recognized by a number of international awards. From Red Dot Award, Wall Paper Design Award to Maison & Object Rising Asian Talent. However, these are just small encouragements in our journey. Our utmost hope is to find the right partners in every territory that truly understand our values and align with our vision.


This mirror is inspired by the traditional bolt, which has gradually been eliminated by the changing era. Therefore we choose to pair a simple but elegant mirror with this interesting gadget, allowing memories from the past to relive in the current dimension.


Time” should be a fluid, not a solid. We designed this “Time Keeper” clock aiming to retain both the flowing of time and the object within.


“眼鏡”個字讓我想到策展人/收藏家 Rossana Orlandi,從她臉上的大墨鏡看出去的世界似乎都變得特別的美好。

The first word I think of when I hear the word glasses is curator Rossana Orlandi, the world just seems like a better place through her iconic huge sunglasses.


I love Max Pittion's unique aesthetic in colors and shapes, I’m not usually a transparent specs kind of person, but this rounded pair gave me a whole new experience. Its vintage characteristic makes me wonder what interesting story is hidden behind the design.


I want to design a jewel box to store glasses! Don’t you think its exciting just seeing all your collections displayed in a spiral staircase!

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